The Caboolture Writers Link.

The Group:

We are a group of people from the wider Caboolture area who share a love of writing. We are a lively group and new members are welcome.


  • The Caboolture Writers’ Group meets at 9:30am
  • On the first Tuesday of every month, except January
  • At the Caboolture Library. The desk will direct you to our room. (to the left facing the desk) 
  • It’s free to attend..

About The meetings:

Our aim is not to teach you to write but to offer encouragement in the form of sharing knowledge about resources available to help the budding writer. We do not critique your work. We count published authors among our members, with knowledge of the writing and publishing process, which you may find helpful. 

Each meeting we invite our members to write a 300 word article/story/poem on an agreed topic and read it to the others at the next meeting (this is not compulsory).

The emphasis, at our meetings, is on respect and courtesy to others.


We are currently working on an anthology with contributions from our membership.


Meetings are are now back to being held on the first Tuesday of each month (Except January)

We now meet on the first floor directly above the library, in The Caboolture Hub.

Our Anthology is now on sale.